Not all of this will be useful or benefit your horse or be practical. Every horse and environment is unique. But the basic premise is to respect the horse as a species and try to improve their lifestyle and welfare. Some of the observations and science behind this concept, have been improved upon and superseded since this was released. I personally don’t necessarily endorse all of the information, but I take what I think is good and helpful and works for me and my horses and donkeys and I encourage you to do the same.
The photos in this post are my own, but there are also some interesting ideas in the link I’ve shared. A quote from the attached link:-
“Paddock Paradise is a ‘management or boarding concept’ based on the lifestyles of the naturally healthy U.S. Great Basin wild horses. It was conceived as a way for horse owners to provide domestic equines with an environment that more closely resembles their natural habitat. It was not until Jaime Jackson published the book, Paddock Paradise: A Guide to Natural Horse Boarding, that the concept of providing horses with a similar enrichment environment was even discussed.”
You can read more here:-